Interface ServerDataIntegration

For more information on the DMI subsystem, see the {@link DMI overview}, DMI class and the DMI example in the Feature Explorer.

Note that, as you continue to integrate your prototype with your backend, you can use a mixture of DataSources that have been fully integrated with your backend and DataSources that are running in "client-only" mode (see {@link}).

Important methods for handling DataSource requests

The basic flow of logic for handling DataSource requests is:

1. Determine operation type (Fetch, Add, Update, Remove) for a single request. Not necessary if you follow the recommendations for {@link writing a custom DataSource} and provide your implementation via executeFetch(), executeAdd(), et al. dsRequest.getOperationType()
2. Get inbound values (Add, Update) and/or criteria (Fetch, Update, Remove) for this request. dsRequest.getFieldValue()
3. Business logic, validation, calls to data and service tiers... anything you can code. execute custom logic
4. Set status and data for the response. dsResponse.setStatus()

For more information, see the {@link com.smartgwt.client.rpc.RPCManager RPCManager documentation}, and the Custom ORM DataSource example., DataSource.getDataFormat(), DataSource.getDataProtocol(), DataSource.getRequestProperties(), DataSource.serverType, DataSource.tableName, DataSource.quoteTableName, DataSource.dbName, DataSource.configBean, DataSource.getDefaultTextMatchStyle(), DataSource.useAnsiJoins, DataSource.audit,, OperationBinding.getRequestProperties(), RestDataSource.getDataProtocol(), DSDataFormat, DSServerType